Hello pet parents!
So my last but one, free pet photography shoot was wonderful, with the super well-trained Springador - 'Indie'

Unfortunately the weather forecast got things wrong for the evening of Indie's photography session. My weather app said cloudy sun for the location, and when we arrived it was thick cloud! Well... I suppose the app wasn't fully wrong, just only half right! We had to work fast as the light was fading, but we still managed to shoot for an hour, and got some stunning shots.
When you have your pet photography shoot, it's always worth thinking about whether you would like to be in the photo's too? If you're anything like me, and you would rather not be in front of the camera, then there are ways around this. You could face away from the camera, and hold your dog (if they're small enough) so they're looking over your shoulder.

Or you could have your hands on your dog's fur, or even your dog walking at your feet, this is Indie walking at her human's sides. All of this is a lovely way to look back in years to come and know that you were there in the shot.
Of course your dog is the main star of the session, and probably won't mind being in front of the camera, especially if you have a tasty morsel or two at the ready for a bit of bribery.
Indie was an absolute star model, she can strike a pose better than Kate Moss, and she can hold it too. Don't worry if your dog isn't this well-behaved, they can stay on-lead, and I'll show you how to hold it, so I can remove it in the post editing process.
I have a new 'Alternative pet photography session' available for those pet parents who aren't sure whether to take the leap or not. Have a look and see what you think.
Until next time, stay safe, and hug your pets every day

'Indie - Holding a pose'